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Thursday, July 31, 2008 , 12:09 PM Y

& I love Piggy (:

Wake up in the Morning, Saw Xian’s Msg

“Wi Wi, you want go out today? “

It really surprise me because Xian hardly call me out on Sunday,(Most probably she knew I’ll be Sleep…zzzz)

Anw, we agreed to meet at her house Bus stop

I really sorry Xian, Im Late Again

Suppose to meet at 2pm, was there 2 pm plus….

To my astonishment, Sooffiyah wanted to join us too.

We met at Orchard Mrt.

I really wonder, why both of them wanted to see me all of a sudden; if not for project?

Hahhahax, I then realize that they knew what happen to me (William’s Stuff)

The reason for asking me out is to see how im coping with the matter

Im really so touch that I could break in to tears

For me, I did not even break the matter to any one cause I do not wants to make any one worry for me

They found out from king and kai apparently

No wonder, There’s a saying “when you are in trouble, you’ll know who is true to you’

Thanks Gals for being there for me, Loves You, Muacks

Hahaha Retail Therapy at Far East was brilliant…

Soof got a dress for her self which is really sweet on her (Hardly see her wear dress/skirt)

Hahah Of Course I got something for my self too….

Guess what???

A Bare back Alter Neck Top: Black color with flower embroidery (Will leave it to Ur

It was my first time buying this style of clothing’s: but worth the try.

The best thing of the day is: Sooffiyah Treat Us to eat in Galare…

After that, all of us went home and I made my way to Debby’s place for dinner.

HAhahaha Dinner at Debby’s place was simple yet it heart warming

Debby’s Aunty is spontaneous and cheerful

Was chatting with her the entire night

Her perspective of life and most impt lesson: How to be a Good Gf / Wife

Had an Enjoyable day with my friends today: P

Attentions: To all my friends who had give me Care and concern…

A Millions thanks to you…

I love you

Thanks you

Xiu Xian
Michelle Chew
Ba Ba
Wu Gui

( NO Specific Order ) Im sorry If I missed out anyone’s name, But I really want to thank you.


, 11:28 AM Y

& I love Piggy (:

Saturday Was Boring, Spending My Time watches Vcd At home…

The Show: Love OF Siam

The show was Nice and it is meaningful

The show was complete with a nice Soundtrack: Gann Lai Gann

In the middle of the show, Michelle Msg me.

I was so touch when she asked “Missy Wi Wi,I just read you blog…….( All the Touching Words.. ) Saying she’s standing beside me “

I really feel Touched When I received Msg from her: Expressing her Concern

We Start Conversation after That…..

She asked ME to lend her the Thai Show too…

I did spend Time Msging William to ask him about work and interview in Thai Disco

Have Casual conversation with him after that, didn’t ask much

Work was As Usual after that

The Funny Thing at work is:

There’s This Hostess working,

It her last day so she decided that she should reward us with some tips..

She just called for me, She reach out her hand in to my shirt

Put a 2 Dollars Note In my Bra…..

I didn’t even Have Time to react….OMG!!!!

This is the 2nd Time I Had this Kind of experience.

I wonder which person has the right mind to do such Things...


Any Way,I really Enjor Drinking Gordon Bleu..Woooooo...

Had Like 6 Glasses

But Not Drunk...

After Work, William was being nice and Waited for me after work again…

At this Point of time I no longer have to wait for him to come because he is waiting for me

Suddenly treat me so nice, got a pack of drink for me too…..

We finally could chat face to face, we haven talk face to face for like 3 days

He told me What He felt About the Matter

HE felt in debt with Eileen as she has Helped Us Out the other times

He feels is ok to msg Eileen as HE treat her as his friends

He also swear that he only treat her as a friends

I asked him to apologize to Ba BA

HE refuses as he think he has right to msg Eileen as well as speak to her

HE thinks that BA Ba has over reacted ( I dun think so ,Ba Ba is just being protective that all )

What Else Can I say?


Wednesday, July 30, 2008 , 3:30 PM Y

& I love Piggy (:

The Argument was On Thurs Night and I really Thanks Debby for Talking To me and Console Me Throughout the night ……Im Feeling Much better….I Am So Confused.

Was busy working over the weekend as per normal, my mood was some how affect by William.

Especially on Friday Night, Was crying and drunk (even Though I was working)

I Just Cry and Cry, Can never Feel so bad …

I actually refer William to go Interview at Thai Disco On Friday

I didn’t msg Him So I Msg My Manager If he comes for the Interview: (Actually I Was Worry for him.)

Have A Msg Conversation with William at work

He Thanks Me for referring the Job and says he wan to bring me for a treat

I reject immediately as Im still quite upset with him

Toward the end of the night, He said he wanted to see me….

HE was waiting for me Outside Golden Mile

I was dead drunk that I didn’t even talk to Him and Fell asleep…

HE Carry me Home and Put me on my living room sofa…He Left.

Find my self on the sofa early morning...

Didn’t Bath...

Eeee…..Smelly lo…


Friday, July 25, 2008 , 1:47 PM Y

& I love Piggy (:

HEre It Goes...We Finally Broke off....
I really can no longer stand William...

BaBa called me last night : " Why William go msg Eileen and ask her about her Lost Handphone"
( NOTE : BabA told me and william not suppose to mention about her lost phone ever again cause will make her upset .Lost is lost,NO point talking about it ) <----- WHich I think is true unless you want to get a her new phone I flare up straight away and called him to scold him ,why is he randomly msg eileen. HE says that " O any way lost lost lo I just msg to show my Concern." (Note: You not suppose to be even mention about it when u are told to)

That's where the story start......... Eileen told me on monday that William actually msg her to talk to her, Basically he started a Hi Hi conversation and it go on up to ten over msg... What is this? At the same time he is msg me..but he told eileen that he is bored and im working..

YEash even im working i try to msg him? Last night he msg her to ask her about the phone :" y u lost you handphone again ar :P?" and he tell me he msg her becuase he wan to thank her for refering a friend to him to sign card? And the first msg was an ice breaking,what is this? Baba was angry and I am angry too,why he kept msging her randomly'?

I asked him he says "NO la eileen msg me so I reply,I msg her just to thank her for referring my and friends and patching us up" At the same Time he think is alright to msg eileen all theses while behind my back? He kept accusing eileen that she msg him first that why he reply too?? And he told eileen I never reply hm that y he very bored then msg her........Duh????

Duh....Evidence show in my phone and eileen phone is that he is msging me and her at the same time and he was the one started the hi thing and now he says no la I just wan to thanks her.. Do you think is that all? HE never msg me from there onward and he scold me on the phone that i should get my figure and fact right and not accuse him ----->Keeing insisting that eileen msg him that why he reply???

He told me that he never tell me he had beeen msging eileen cause its a man's pride and ego ( What;s wrong with this shit? ) ,he doesn;t wan me to know that he gets help from eileen to get me and him back together...From there on ward he msg her quite often : Some msg to ask her whether she patch with Babala ,Hi Hi converstation,Phone lost again conversation la...
When i told him He flirting with he HE say I Testing limit and he had enough of it So I told HIm To FUCK OFF.

Whenever we Quarrel,He always dig up the pass and say "yeah u did me wrong..you cheated me about heng and gred.".but now im a change person and he still bring that up??? You think is fair when I admit my fault?

(* Note : I dun get a Single cent from there.)

Put you self in my shoes

HAhahah Xxxxx
I have seen HIs true colour and never shed a single tear for him but my heart is crying.......
Should have blame my self for loving him..

What A shitty BF I had....


Thursday, July 24, 2008 , 2:31 PM Y

& I love Piggy (:

In the lab right now,Menses cramp!!!!!! Pain!!!!

Eileen is having flu too..... Who is willing to take care of this 2 patient? Hahhaha Going to meet Sooffiyah and Xian later to talk about our project...

SO boring!! What can be more boring than this?

HAhah BUt today I think some meaningful thing by helping my Mr Willy to get people to sign MAnhattan credit card...

hahaha Basically I just Spam my Classmate emAil as well as some of the Engineering students..To get them to sign....

Hahah MOStly Guys are Interested

King,Aaron and betrum..asked me to reserve the application form for them already!!! Hahaha

Think Applying on for me self too..

Hahah Eileen was a helpful assitance too!!! moRE & mORE applicant
Want to apply? Tag me lo : I sent you the Brochure!!!! OK?

Sweet Willy says we HaVe A good Job So Must Bring us for treat!!! ..Wah......HUg Hug

THANKS for youe Support every one :P

Have not been blogging for the past 2 days.was quite busy...Busy putting on Weight ..BlahxX

HAhahah Nah...

Yesterday Morning was so lousy,It was raining heavily and I woke up late.Have got no choice but to take can with Wu Gui to school.It saves US a BOmb cause normally taking cab to school from home will cost me $25 but now we only pay $13 each.HahaHAH....hAPPY hAPPY..

my mum was sweet enough to cook and pack lunch for me to eat in school but guess what..Wu Gui finish them All...Thanks to Wu Gui!!! aHahaha I got to eat fries for my lunch instead.Hahahhaa

LAst night was peacful,went home for dinner with my mum,uncle,sis and brother...Guess that was like after a long time that we could have lunch together!!!
On the dining table,my mum suddenly says she dreamt of my dad that morning ..and she thought that he is still alive. GOose Bump......

Zap Zap...

niGHT wAS bORING..zZZzZzzzzz


Tuesday, July 22, 2008 , 3:43 PM Y

& I love Piggy (:

As Per Normal,Im in Lab munching on some sandwiches which i bought from business school...Yummy..Guess Im Full right now...can leave the other halves for later !!!! Dinner!

Today I learnt some thing again-----> Old man are hard to handle and they are stubborn!!!!
Sometimes silent is gold...Maybe should not be even talking about the unhappiness stuff.

Duh....??? Haiz... Sian

I watched BAt Man!!! The Dark Knight yestersay at woodland causeway point with Willy....
The shows was great lo too bad the female not very pretty wor..sad ..Plus She Die some more..MOre sian.... But the MOst Exciting Character was thE JoKEr....HE ReallY LIke One Mad Man!!! You Guys Should Go CAtch..There is A lot of TiwST aND tURN IN tHE sHOW .

The worst Show I watch for this Month was The Stranger > WOrst Show Ever..

Watse Of Money!!!!

I rather spend money go arcade and plAy....

Think Got time Then Blog Ba



Monday, July 21, 2008 , 10:20 AM Y

& I love Piggy (:

LAst nIGht was Boring,THought could catch Dark Knight in CIneleisure but Ticket are Fully sold Out!!!
What a Disappointment ...Haiz

a href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjeT5kO9lKqj3ga4_nkPaLuzwMmKjI327zo0KCTEldbmlAbJxaiYX1cvEQg9WgU_tzy2Vd6hfLpa-SJOwnxEq-WiUGsAMGt01Fw8bpTsZq7kPaYTNaJqyG38WeP996tvw3KKPZiX1iMeos/s1600-h/BUrger.jpg">

Let's DiG In !!!!

AHhaha BUt manage to dine in ShoKudo..A Japanese Restaurant In cIneLeisure.
The Food was Quite Unique as They have a Different Type of Sause For their Spaghetti..

This is Chicken Sphegetti

Hahaha Then I finish off with A Hot Funge SUndae!!!
Fatty BOm Bom says Im A Fatty Bom BOm !!! hahaha

So Cute :P
So Sinful

GO on Diet Tml ba!!!!
Fatty Bom bom!!!



Tuesday, July 15, 2008 , 5:07 PM Y

& I love Piggy (:

This is my first time Blogging.The reason for Blogging,it to remind me what had happen in the past,Happy memories as well the the sadness that i experience......

Hahah Hope I caN sHARE morE tHINGS wITH yOU Guys .....Look Out for my entry!!!!



Wi Wi

&Piggy Piggy MEaty MeatyY

Wi Wi .
Temasek Polytechnic.
Born on 20 April 1988.
Contact me at piggy_jo_wl18@hotmail.com.


&Piggies's WANTSY

& Piggy MemoriesY

& Piggy Oinks OINKSY




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